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Minimalist Art Studio Decoration Best Ideas

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Minimalist Art Studio Decoration Best Ideas

As an artist, your minimalist art studio at your place or at an office is your safe space and it’s important to make it feel almost like a home.

This is to foster an environment that facilitates creative output and inspiration for you to practice your craft as either a hobbyist or professional.

Decorating your art space is an exciting process as you ultimately possess the creative freedom to create it by design.

I’ve written this article to lay out some potential minimalist elements and decor pieces that are specifically suited for art studios and creative individuals like yourself.

Modern minimalism

If you’re looking for a nice and clean aesthetic for your art studio, minimalism is the way to go.

With a color palette centered around neutrals and muted hues, you can achieve a simplistic decorative style that centers focus on the artwork your creating itself.

The great thing about minimalism is that you don’t need A LOT – it’s truly in the name.

I’d personally build a color palette from white, gray, black and a touch of green (or any other color really) as a classic look for your art space.

The addition of an accent color will really elevate the aesthetic of your studio and avoid it from becoming sterile and bland, the opposite of a creativity-inducing workspace.


In terms of furniture pieces, a simple, non-robust and elegant chair will really showcase the minimalism style. It’s important to here to strike a balance between practicality and aesthetics as a good chair is absolutely essential for long hours at your desk while working on a project.

So I’d highly recommend opting for and spending a good amount of money on a good office chair as this will essentially become one of the places you spend the most amount of time in.

Here’s one from Artiss that adheres to the minimalist aesthetic and offers incredible value.

But if you truly want a chair that will 100% withstand the test of time and offer you the absolute best ergonomics in the market, I’d personally opt for a Herman Miller.

This is for sure an end-game office chair for your art studio and is significantly more pricy that a lot of the chairs you will be looking for. However, you DEFINITELY get what you pay for here and there is the opportunity to customise chairs as you please to fit not only the minimalist aesthetic but others as well.

Beyond furniture pieces, here are some decor pieces that I’d recommend you look into to achieve the minimalism aesthetic.


Framed artwork and/or text are really nice elements to contribute to a minimalist style.

Experiment with different sized frames (I’d recommend sticking to one or two styles of frames for consistency) that you can pepper around your studio for some small visual touches.

Even some of the more abstract artwork can look especially good for a minimalist appeal, but make sure you stick to a maximum of 2 of 3 accent colors in your studio to avoid a confused and muddied appeal.

Minimal Line Curvature II Black and White Mid Century Modern Arch Abstract Framed Art Print


I really love a touch of greenery in a neutral palette to really give the area a refreshing sense of livability.

Although real plants are really cool, there are some great synthetic plants that look just as good (and saving you the hassle of maintaining a watering schedule)!

I’d personally look for some hanging potted plants that drape, an element that can add a whole lot of character to your minimalist work area.

This of course is not essential and to really achieve a ‘true’ minimalism aesthetic for your art studio, you might want to give plants a miss here.

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