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Best High Quality Watercolor Paint Brushes Revealed

Best High Quality Watercolor Paint Brushes Revealed

Choosing the right high quality watercolor brush can make a tremendous difference in your work.

We understand that it can be difficult choosing which brush to use so we’ve compiled a list of the best watercolor paint brushes on the market, based on expert reviews and customer feedback.

To save you time:

Overall Pick

Credit: Jackson’s Art

First on our list is…

The Da Vinci Maestro Series 10 Kolinsky Red Sable Watercolor Brush. This brush is highly recognised for its excellent snap, allowing for precise control and crisp lines. It’s also made from high-quality Kolinsky sable hair (industry standard for premium quality brushes) and has a comfortable, ergonomic handle.

Our runner up is…

Credit: Jackson’s Art

The Pro Arte Kolinsky Sable Brush. This brush is commended by professionals for its precision and versatility.

Made from high-quality Kolinsky sable hair, it holds a fine point that lasts a lifetime, and can hold a lot of paint, making it perfect for detailed work and washes.

If you could spare us a little more time…

Continue reading to see the top watercolor brush brands we recommend as well as answering why you should judiciously select your brushes in the first place.

With so many great options available, it’s essential to choose a paintbrush that fits your specific needs and style without sacrificing quality.

Top Watercolor Brush Brands

Here are some of the top watercolor brush brands that are worth considering when adding to your repertoire:

Da Vinci

Da Vinci is a German brand that produces a wide range of art supplies, including watercolor brushes.

Their Maestro series 10 brushes are made with high-quality, Siberian Red Sable hair fibers that are derived from Tobolsky Kolinsky and are known for their excellent snap and point retention that may arguably best Winsor & Newton’s series 7 brushes.

The Series 10 range offers a variety of sizes up to size 50 all with consistent craftsmanship that features black round handles and nickel plated, rust-proof seamless ferrules.

However, if you’d prefer a sable brush alternative, I’d highly recommend the Da Vinci Casaneo range.

Credit: Jackon’s Art

Their Casaneo brushes have a wonderful tapered point, amazing springiness and great water retention – mimicking all the positive attributes of a quality Kolinsky sable brush.

Here’s the same Casaneo brush range but crafted to suit travelling (excellent for urban sketching)!

Credit: Jackson’s Art

Pro Arte

The Pro Arte Kolinsky Sable brush is an all rounder with an excellent tight and pointy tip crafted specifically for watercolor use.

With great pigment and water retention and a premium quality handle, the Pro Arte Kolinsky Sable brush is perfect if you’re looking for a good quality watercolor brush that will last you a very long time.

Winsor & Newton

Synthetic paint brushes review: Winsor & Newton Professional range
Credit: Painters Online

Winsor & Newton is a well-known brand in the art world, and their watercolor brushes are no exception.

Their Series 7 brushes are particularly popular among watercolor artists, known for their high-quality Kolinsky sable hair and excellent point retention (keeping a fine tip that’s perfect for detail work).

They also offer a range of synthetic brushes that are more affordable but still perform well.

If you’re looking for a set of Winsor and Newton’s Series 7 brushes that will genuinely last you a lifetime, consider purchasing this selection of 5 detail brushes.

Please remember here that especially in the art industry, you get what you pay for, but it’s best to not commit to a large set before trying a single brush from a brand first and foremost.


Credit: Jackson’s Art

Escoda is a Spanish brand that has been producing art brushes since 1933. Their watercolor brushes are known for their excellent quality and durability. Their Reserva series brushes are made with Kolinsky sable hair similar to that of Winsor and Newton’s Series 7 and Da Vinci’s Series 10 that is crafted to a fine tip which retains a lot of water and delivers watercolor smoothly and with a consistent flow.

The Reserva brush range is especially well suited for travel and urban sketching (not just for watercolor but also for gouache and ink) due to its professional quality and calibre of water retention.

Akin to Winsor and Newton, Escoda offers proprietary features such as their specialty travel sets and their set of 6 in a wooden box. These are end-game sets if you want the best-of-the-best and could also serve as family heirlooms or luxury gifts.

Credit: Jackson’s Art

Princeton Neptune

Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush Review - Doodlewash®
Credit: Doodlewash

The Princeton Neptune synthetic squirrel watercolor brushes are another community favourite amongst artists.

With clean shaping and even pigment release (without leaving puddled ‘kisses’ at the end of each stroke), these smooth and intuitive brushes are an exceptional choice for beginners interested in watercolors.

Even watercolor professionals will appreciate its capacity to create crisp lines and block in steady, thin washes across the page. The Princeton Neptune range is engineered with synthetic hairs that snap back to its original upright position, light weight and superior balance that offers great value for what is considered an ‘entry’ level choice.

Overall, these three brands are our top recommendations if you’re looking for premium and quality brushes that tick all the boxes.

Types of Watercolor Paint Brushes

Da Vinci - Fine Art Brush Making - YouTube
Credit: Jackon’s Art

When it comes to watercolor painting, the type of paint brush you use can make a significant difference in the outcome of your artwork.

There are three main types of watercolor paint brushes to look out for: natural hair brushes, synthetic brushes, and blended brushes.

Natural Hair Brushes

Natural hair brushes are made from animal hair, such as sable, squirrel, or goat.

These brushes are known for their high-quality and ability to hold a lot of water and pigment, making them ideal for watercolor painting. Sable brushes, in particular, are known for their softness, flexibility, and ability to maintain a fine point.


Natural hair brushes can be expensive and require special care to maintain their shape and longevity.

Synthetic Brushes

Credit: Jackon’s Art – Jackson’s Studio Synthetic Brush Set

Synthetic brushes are made from man-made materials, such as nylon or polyester.

These brushes are often more affordable than natural hair brushes and can be a good option for beginners or those on a budget.

Synthetic brushes are also easier to clean and maintain than natural hair brushes. However, they may not hold as much water or pigment as natural hair brushes and may not have the same level of softness or flexibility.

Blended Brushes

Blended brushes are a combination of natural hair and synthetic materials.

These brushes aim to provide the best of both worlds, with the softness and flexibility of natural hair brushes and the affordability and ease of maintenance of synthetic brushes.

Blended brushes can be a good option for those who want high-quality brushes without breaking the bank.

To summarise:

When choosing a watercolor paint brush, consider the type of material, your budget, and the level of care you are willing to provide. Whether you choose a natural hair brush, synthetic brush, or blended brush, each type has its own unique characteristics and advantages.

Brush Shape and Size Guide

Watercolour Brushes for Urban Sketching
Credit: Urban Sketching World

When it comes to watercolor paint brushes, selecting the right shape and size is crucial.

Different brush shapes and sizes are designed to create different effects and strokes. In this section, we will explore the most common brush shapes and sizes and their uses.

Round Brushes

Credit: Jackson’s Art

Round brushes are the most versatile and commonly used brushes in watercolor painting.

They have a pointed tip and a round body, which makes them ideal for creating fine lines, details, and washes.

Round brushes come in various sizes, from small to large, and are suitable for both beginners and professionals.

Flat Brushes

Credit: Jackson’s Art

Flat brushes have a rectangular shape with a flat top and straight edges.

They are perfect for creating broad strokes, washes, and filling in large areas. Flat brushes are available in various sizes, from small to large, and are ideal for painting landscapes, buildings, and other large subjects.

Mop Brushes

Credit: Jackson’s Art – Silver Brush Black Goat Hair Mop

Mop brushes have a large, round, and fluffy shape that holds a lot of water and paint.

They are perfect for creating soft, blended washes and for painting large areas quickly.

Mop brushes come in various sizes, from small to extra-large, and are ideal for painting skies, clouds, and other soft subjects.

Detail Brushes

Credit: Jackson’s Art – Da Vinci Micro Maestro Kolinsky Red Sable Brush

Detail brushes have a small and pointed shape that is perfect for creating fine lines, details, and intricate designs.

They are available in various sizes, from extra-small to small, and are ideal for painting portraits, still life, and other detailed subjects.

Check out Da Vinci’s premium, micro natural brushes above!

Selecting the right brush shape and size is crucial for achieving the desired effect in watercolor painting. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, it is essential to have a variety of brushes in your collection to create different strokes and effects.

Brush Care and Maintenance

Taking care of your watercolor paint brushes is important to ensure their longevity and performance. Here are some tips to help you maintain your brushes:

Free Crop man mixing paints on floor Stock Photo


After each use, clean your brushes thoroughly with water and a mild soap or brush cleaner. Gently work the soap or cleaner into the bristles with your fingers, then rinse the brush under running water until the water runs clear. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the bristles.


After cleaning, reshape the bristles with your fingers and lay the brush flat to dry. Avoid standing the brush upright in a cup or jar, as this can cause water to seep into the ferrule and loosen the bristles. Allow the brush to dry completely before using it again.


Store your brushes with the bristles facing up or lying flat. Avoid storing them with the bristles facing down, as this can cause them to bend or deform. You can also store your brushes in a brush holder or roll to keep them organized and protected.

Other Tips

  • Avoid leaving your brushes in water for extended periods of time, as this can damage the bristles and cause them to lose their shape.
  • Use a separate brush for each color to avoid cross-contamination and ensure color accuracy.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents to clean your brushes, as these can damage the bristles and shorten their lifespan.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your watercolor paint brushes remain in top condition and provide you with years of reliable performance.

Factors to Consider When Buying

Watercolor for Beginners: Basic Washes and Brush Strokes to Practice -  Erika Lancaster- Artist + Online Art Teacher
Credit: Erika Lancaster

When it comes to buying watercolor paint brushes, there are several factors that you should consider to ensure that you get the best product for your needs. Here are some of the key factors to keep in mind:

Quality of Bristles

The quality of the bristles is perhaps the most important factor to consider when buying watercolor paint brushes.

The bristles should be made from high-quality materials, such as natural hair or synthetic fibers, and should be soft and flexible to allow for good control and precision when painting.

Look for brushes with a good spring and snap, as this will help you to create fine lines and details.


Durability is also an important factor to consider when buying watercolor paint brushes.

You want a brush that will last for a long time and maintain its shape and performance over time.

Look for brushes with sturdy handles and bristles that are firmly attached to the handle. Brushes with metal ferrules are generally more durable than those with plastic ferrules.

Price Point

Price is always a consideration when buying any product, and watercolor paint brushes are no exception.

While it’s important to invest in high-quality brushes, you don’t necessarily need to break the bank to get a good product.

Look for brushes that offer a good balance between quality and price, and consider buying a set of brushes rather than individual brushes to save money.

Comfort and Handling

Finally, you should consider the comfort and handling of the brushes when making your purchase.

Look for brushes with ergonomic handles that are comfortable to hold and use for extended periods of time.

The weight and balance of the brush should also be taken into account, as this can affect how well you are able to control the brush and create the desired effects.

By judiciously choosing the correct brush and keeping all these factors in mind when buying watercolor paint brushes, you can ensure that you get a product that meets your needs and helps you to create beautiful works of art.

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